소화제를 먹어도 낫지 않는다면? ‘담석’ 신호일 수도 있어요!(If Antacids Don’t Help, It Might Be a Sign of Gallstones!)
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Title: If Antacids Don’t Help, It Might Be a Sign of Gallstones!
Did you know?
If your stomach still feels bloated and your upper abdomen hurts even after taking antacids, it might not be just indigestion!
It could be a warning sign from your body about gallstones.
Gallstones are hard, stone-like lumps formed when bile solidifies.
When these stones block the bile ducts, bile can’t flow properly, leading to indigestion, bloating, and pain under the right ribcage.
The symptoms often get worse after eating greasy foods.
Bile plays a crucial role in breaking down fats.
However, when gallstones form, bile secretion is disrupted, making digestion difficult and causing bloating.
Some people even feel pain in their back or right shoulder.
Gallstones are linked to a high-cholesterol diet, obesity, and lack of exercise.
Reducing fatty food intake and maintaining regular exercise can help prevent them.
If antacids don’t solve your symptoms, don’t ignore them—getting checked early is essential!
Thank you!