가장 빠른 새는 OO다..?!(The Fastest Bird is…?!)
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고대 사람들은 타조의 빠른 속도와 강인함을 보고 존경과 경외의 대상으로 여겼습니다.
흥미롭게도, 타조의 뇌는 눈보다 작습니다.
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타조는 매우 발달된 시력과 청각을 통해 주위의 위험을 빠르게 감지할 수 있습니다.
마지막으로, 타조는 수영도 잘 합니다!
이는 타조가 다양한 환경에서 생존할 수 있도록 해주는 놀라운 능력 중 하나입니다.
The Fastest Bird is…?!
Did you know? The ostrich is the fastest bird, even though it can’t fly! Ostriches can run at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.
The ostrich’s legs are very strong and long, allowing them to cover about 5 meters in a single stride. This helps them escape predators and find food.
But ostriches aren’t just fast. Their legs are made up of very sturdy muscles and strong tendons, enabling them to run at high speeds for long periods.
Ostriches also have large eyes, allowing them to detect danger from far away. With these features, ostriches are truly the princes of the savannah.
Historically, ostriches were notable in ancient Egypt and Rome. Ostrich feathers were used in royal attire and decorations. Ancient people admired the ostrich for its speed and strength, viewing it with respect and awe.
Interestingly, an ostrich’s brain is smaller than its eyes. However, this doesn’t affect its survival abilities at all. Ostriches have highly developed vision and hearing, allowing them to quickly detect nearby dangers.
Lastly, ostriches are also good swimmers! This is one of their amazing abilities that helps them survive in various environments.
Thank you!