코막힐 때 한쪽 코만 막히는 이유는?(Why Does Only One Nostril Get Blocked When You Have a Runny Nose?)
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Title: Why Does Only One Nostril Get Blocked When You Have a Runny Nose?
Have you ever had a runny nose but found only one nostril getting blocked? This happens because of a structure inside your nose called the “inferior turbinate.”
The inferior turbinate plays a key role in warming and humidifying the air we breathe. Interestingly, these structures alternate swelling up in a process called the “nasal cycle.” During this cycle, one side of the inferior turbinate swells, partially blocking airflow in one nostril, while the other nostril stays more open. This switching helps us smell better and filter out dust.
When we catch a cold or have an allergic reaction, the inferior turbinate swells up more than usual, and the nasal cycle slows down. This can make one nostril feel blocked for an extended time.
Isn’t it fascinating how the inferior turbinate helps protect our nasal health and keeps our nose functioning well?