우리 몸의 놀라운 방어 기능, 면역체계의 비밀
제목: 우리 몸의 놀라운 방어 기능, 면역체계의 비밀
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각각의 경험은 우리를 더욱 강하게 만들어 줍니다.
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Title: The Amazing Defense Mechanism of Our Body, the Secret of the Immune System
There is a hidden treasure inside our bodies. It’s our immune system. Our bodies have remarkable defense mechanisms to protect us from numerous harmful bacteria and viruses.
The immune system acts as a friend to our bodies, shielding us from infections and diseases. These tiny soldiers are constantly fighting battles within our bodies, diligently seeking out and destroying external invaders.
According to scientific research, our body’s immune system continues to evolve and learn. Each experience makes us stronger. So, every time we catch a cold, the immune system produces antibodies against the infection and remembers them, allowing for a faster response the next time.
Our immune system is a true hero, protecting us. Therefore, we must take good care of our bodies and cherish them.
Thank you.