불가사리는 뇌가 없다..?! (Did You Know Starfish Have No Brain?!)

불가사리는 뇌가 없다..?!
(Did You Know Starfish Have No Brain?!)

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불가사리는 다양한 해양 환경에 서식하며, 그들의 재생 능력은 과학자들에게도 큰 관심을 끌고 있습니다.
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Headline: Did You Know Starfish Have No Brain?!
Did you know that starfish are creatures without a brain?
However, they still respond to their environment in various ways. Starfish transmit nerve signals through their arms from a central disk. They can also sense light through photoreceptors located at the tips of their arms.
Starfish use a unique method to catch their prey. When they catch a clam, they extrude their stomach and insert it between the clam’s shells. This allows them to begin digestion outside their body.
Additionally, starfish have the remarkable ability to regenerate themselves. Even if an arm is severed, it can grow back. In fact, even a single remaining arm can regenerate into a new starfish.
Starfish inhabit a variety of marine environments, and their regenerative abilities have garnered significant interest from scientists. These amazing creatures play a crucial role in marine ecosystems.
Isn’t it incredible that starfish can exhibit such complex behaviors without a brain?
Thank you.

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