기침과 가래가 계속된다면, 기관지가 아프다는 신호일지도 몰라요!(Persistent Cough and Phlegm? It Could Be a Sign Your Bronchi Are in Trouble!)
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Title: Persistent Cough and Phlegm? It Could Be a Sign Your Bronchi Are in Trouble!
Did you know?
If your cough lasts a long time and you often have sticky phlegm, it might not just be a cold. It could be your bronchi asking for help!
A condition called “bronchiectasis” occurs when your bronchi become weak and widened, causing inflammation and mucus to build up. Without treatment, it can lead to more serious illnesses like pneumonia.
This condition is often caused by repeated respiratory infections, similar to colds. Since the symptoms resemble those of a cold, it’s easy to overlook. However, if it continues for a long time, your bronchi can become increasingly weaker. Persistent sticky phlegm and a morning cough are key signs of bronchiectasis.
So, what should you do?
The most important step is to visit a doctor for accurate tests. X-rays or lung function tests can help identify the problem. Follow the doctor’s advice, take prescribed medication, and drink plenty of water. Light exercise can also do wonders for keeping your bronchi healthy.
If a cough and phlegm stick around, don’t just think, “It’ll go away.” Listen to your body’s signals!
Your health is precious, so take good care of it!
Thank you!